Places - Where's Where

Álamos - a Real de Minas, or mining town, with a branch of the Royal Silver Bank.


Altar - valley, town and presidio; southwest of present-day Nogales, Sonora.

Bacoachi - a village in Sonora between Fronteras and Arizpe; later became a presidio; sometimes spelled Bacuache.

Buenavista - a presidio on the Yaqui River between Álamos and Pitic, Sonora.

Cieneguilla- sometimes spelled "Cienegita"; a village southeast of Altar.

Culiacán - a village in the province of Sinaloa where the first colonists were recruited.

Cumpas - a village just north of Oposura on the Río Moctezuma.

Fronteras - presidio thirty miles south of present-day Douglas, Arizona; originally called Santa Rosa de Corodguachi but in the late seventeenth century the Caballería de los Fronteras, or "Cavalry of the Frontier," was assigned there and the town eventually adopted the name; Anza and his sister next in age to him, Gregoria, were born there while their father, also Juan Bautista de Anza, was serving as its captain; Anza began his military career there under his brother-in-law, Captain Gabriel de Vildósola, who had married Gregoria.

Fuerte, El - the words mean "The Fort" in English; an early-day presidio in the province of Sinaloa prior to the expedition.

Horcasitas, San Miguel de - presidio and town in Sonora northeast of present-day Hermosillo.

Loreto - presidio and town in Baja Califomia.

México - city; capital of New Spain.

Monterey, San Carlos de - Califomia's northern most presidio in Anza's time; present-day city of Monterey, Califomia.

Oposura - a mission in Sonora northeast of Pitic.

Patpaguería - general area of the Papago Indians between Altar and the Gila River.

Pimería - general area of the Pima Indians between Santa Ana and the Gila River.

Pitic - town; presidio prior to the expedition; present-day Hermosillo, Sonora.

Querétaro, Santa Cruz de - Apostolic College for all the Franciscans serving in northern New Spain; north of Mexico City.

San Blas - town and shipping center on the west coast of Mexico below Baja Califomia.

San Gabriel - mission in Alta California; present-day Los Angeles.

San Ignacio - mission just north of present-day Magdalena, Sonora.

San Xavier del Bac - mission just south of present-day Tucson, Arizona.

Santa Ana - village just south of present-day Magdalena, Sonora.

Santa Rosa de Corodéguachi - original name for Fronteras, Sonora.

Terrenate - presidio due east of present-day Nogales, Sonora.

Tubac - presidio; present-day town south of Tucson, Arizona.

Tucson, San Agustín del - site for a presidio that was being established during the expedition's layover at Horcasitas; presently under concrete and pavement in downtown Tucson, Arizona.

Source: Donald T. Garate. Anza Correspondence 1775. Antepasados VIII Los Californianos: San Leandro, CA, 1995, pp. 194-5.