
This page provides several ways to do English key word searches of diaries in the Web de Anza Archive. Although we cannot yet search Spanish language terms, we intend to add that and other capabilities over time; you will notice additions to this page from time to time.

Search just Anza's 1775-6 Diary

The search box below allows you to search the text of Anza's Diary of his 1775-6 colonizing expedition. Enter the literal text you wish to find in the box and then click the Search button. If an initial search finds nothing, try shortening the text to be searched. The search will return each paragraph of the Anza Diary containing your text and links to those days in the diary.

Search all Diaries of the 1775-76 Colonizing Expedition

This search box searches all four of the diaries written on the colonizing expedition: Anza's Diary, both the shorter and the expanded versions of Font's Diary, and Garcés's Diary. Enter the literal text you wish to find in the box and then click the Search button. Every paragraph from any of these diaries containing your text will be returned to you, along with links the daily entries containing those paragraphs. Your results will be sorted by date.

Keep in mind that a search of all four diaries may find very many paragraphs.
They may take sometime to download!